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Penis Amputation : (((((( #257699
04/10/07 02:03 PM
04/10/07 02:03 PM


Our male sugar glider, Tork, has been having problems retracting his penis since Friday. We took him to a vet Saturday (a vet who i think doesn't have much experience with this) and he has us give him Amoxicillin 2 times a day. He also said to not put KY on because it would "dry and make it harder to retract" but as most of us already know, the penis would die in no time without it. So we've been putting it on 4-5 times a day.

I checked on him this morning and it looked good. It was still out but no black. Since my fiance was home from work I didnt take him to work with me. Dave looked at it a few minutes ago and now the head of his penis is black!! cry
So I decided to contact a vet up north of us that is on the vet list, and he will be amputating it this afternoon. worried

If anyone has had any experiences with this, could you tell me about it?

1. Did you seperate the male?
(We have a new female for about 3 weeks, they love each other a lot already, but i dont want to make matters worse)

2. What meds was your glider given? Did they work well?

3. Did your glider SM after the surgery?

4. Is he going to have to be nuetered too? He has no history of self mutilation... and I think this whole problem started because of a little bit of "overuse" from getting a new girlfriend.

Sorry for such a long post.. but im super wigged out right now!

Any info is appreciated!

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #257706
04/10/07 02:10 PM
04/10/07 02:10 PM


omg, I have never heard of anything like this. I have no information, only some comfort. *hugs* I'm sorry hun. How traumatizing!!! I'm sure someone on here has heard/gone through this before. Give it a little bit and you prolly have some answers.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #257707
04/10/07 02:11 PM
04/10/07 02:11 PM
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Elee, call me.


I can call back if you need me to, once I have your number.

Edit: I have been thru this with Riker, and I can help. I will also make a post to take with you for your vet.

Last edited by Xfilefan; 04/10/07 02:13 PM.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #257718
04/10/07 02:24 PM
04/10/07 02:24 PM


Elee, it sounds like Xfilefan can really help walk you through this...thank goodness for some support! I don't have any experience with this or advice on it, just sending hugs and prayers for both you, and your little one. I hope everything works out just fine in the end! hug2

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #257757
04/10/07 02:56 PM
04/10/07 02:56 PM
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Okay, we just spoke on the phone, and here is the info to take to the vet.

First: (like we said) E-Collar. I guess this is for the fiance-Until he can be gotten into one, hold him wrapped like a burrito in a small towel non stop. A single bite could have started this, another can make it worse-so don't let go of him. The less damage he does, the better his outcome will be. Hold him next to your chest and talk to him, offer treats, but do not let him get at his penis or cloaca. Get him into one ASAP, and it is likely to last 2-4 weeks. You'll need to make some modifications to his cage and for feeding, and will need to separate from his cagemate (though they can visit supervised). I'll post modifications later, for now, we'll get thru the vet. Keep up with the K-Y-dry tissue can make the necrosis spread faster.

Second: DO NOT amputate the entire penis. It's not necessary, and will only cause more pain/complications. If the necrosis is small enough, or between 1/16 to 1/8 inch of one end MAX, it may slough off on it's own. If the vet thinks it needs removed, remove ONLY into healthy tissue, just above the point of necrosis.

He is on amoxicillin, but that didn't stop the necrosis, which means it's the wrong med. My recommendation is to go with MINIMUM 14 to 21 days of Baytril (enrofloxacin), or Clavamox, AND Flagyl (metronidazole)-it will cover the widest spectrum of bacteria...most gram positive, gram negative, and anerobic. Make sure they are a twice to 3 times daily dosage (not once) to keep in the system around the clock. Because of a glider's metabolism, a shorter course, or once a day meds, usually fail, resulting in recurrence of the problem, or it not healing in the first place.

Recent intro of a female could indicate this started from overstimulation (flossing too much) where he irritated, or caused an injury or infection, if there's no sign of UTI, that's likely. Neutering will minimize the risk of recurrence. Two ways to do that, one will be more effective at preventing recurrence.

1) Neutering and leave the pom - means more hormone will be left in his system, since the scrotum DOES produce some testosterone. He may have a small bald spot remaining, and may still keep an interest in trying to mate, etc. For a glider who has SMed, or tried to, or had a loss or partial amputation, this isn't desirable. Chance of going through this again is greater than with #2.

2. Neutering and remove the pom. Hormones will be at absolute minimum, and bald spot should completely disappear unless they've just been marking something (which they will do), then go away again. Drawbacks are that glue or stitches will be used to close the abdomen, HOWEVER--since the glider will already be in a collar, and unable to go after them, it's the ideal time to go that route since risk is eliminated by the collar. It will be more uncomfortable for him for a short time, but pain meds will take care of that post-op. Most gliders done this way will not floss at all for the rest of their lives, and will reduce any mating attempts.

Pain meds. Not only does necrotic (black, dead) tissue hurt like the dickens in and of itself, neuter is painful. Without the pom also adds the discomfort (no more pain than the other way, but like an itchy feeling-they feel like the glue, etc. in the fur has to be groomed out) of a foreign substance for longer, until it wears out/off. Have the vet give you enough of one of the following for at least ONE WEEK to have on hand: Torbuterol, Torbuterol or Butorphanol in Val (valium) syrup, or just Butorphanol. The valim can help to relieve anxiety in addition to the pain killing effects. Any of these can be given about every 4 hours for pain. You may not need to use it that long, but it's a good idea to have it on hand.

Metacam to reduce swelling can be given, once daily only, for 2-3 days. It doesn't work well on pain, and is very hard on a glider's liver/kidneys, causing damage if too much or for too long. It wears off in a few hours, like the above, but CANNOT be given more than twice a day if the dose is small enough, or for very long. It can be given with the above to control inflammation for a short period if your vet thinks it's a good idea. So far, the SM's I've seen on it, and nothing else, went after themselves anyway like it wasn't even there. Torb or Butorphanol works much better.

Be aware the pain meds may cause drowsiness, lower appetite, and constipate-make sure to offer plenty of fluids, watery fruits, and hand feeding may be needed at first. You can offer more of his favorites for now to encourage him to eat, and consider watered BML or Boost or Ensure as a staple he can lick when in the collar. He'll have trouble with normal foods, so babyfoods and licky things will be best for now. I'll go into that in a separate post. And as with any antibiotic, these may loosen the stools. Pain meds may counter that to a degree, until his system adjusts. If really runny, you can offer some canned pumpkin, or a few regular dry Quaker oat flakes a day to help firm them up (not quick cooking or instant, and no more than 3 to 4 in a 24 hour period).

Let us know how it goes at the vet, and hang in there.
There are those of us that have been where you are now.

And like I said, you can call anytime in an emergency-both my numbers are in my signature, and after 10 tonight I'll be at work, but I'll have my cell phone. hug2

EDIT: Also (before I forget) DO NOT let the vet purse stitch the cloaca closed. It will not help keep the penis in, and will make it difficult for him to pee/poop, and trap bacteria to make the problem worse. If he's out, put K-Y until the meds can do their job, but do not stitch it.

Last edited by Xfilefan; 04/10/07 02:58 PM.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #257758
04/10/07 03:01 PM
04/10/07 03:01 PM
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Oh, and trim his nails if the ends are sharp at all. That will help keep him from catching his incision, either way, with the nails when grooming.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #257839
04/10/07 04:03 PM
04/10/07 04:03 PM


Called you again and left a message.

Update: As soon as I hung up with you, I called my Fiance Dave and had him follow your directions. But when he got him out, he noticed the black end had either been bitten or has fallen off. Does this affect your previous suggestion with the vet? SHould they still remove anything?

Also a general question: Under your paragraph starting with "Pain Meds" does this apply with AND without him getting nuetered? I assume so, but just checking.


Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #257861
04/10/07 04:21 PM
04/10/07 04:21 PM


I just had to have a glider's penis amputated and pain meds are a must! Even if the black fell off he still needs to go to the vets. The vet needs to assess the penis to see if more needs to come off, no one here can say yes or no. My glider lost both forks of his penis. Thank god for Dancing taking him and helping him when physically I could not. But this really is an emergency please get him to a vet very quickly. We also seperated Jynx from his mate so he can heal/ HTH

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #257862
04/10/07 04:22 PM
04/10/07 04:22 PM


Jynx did try to sm before and after surgery but thats where the e-collar comes in and pain meds. Good luck and keep us posted

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #257863
04/10/07 04:22 PM
04/10/07 04:22 PM


Off to the vet soon, I'll post again later today.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258116
04/10/07 09:58 PM
04/10/07 09:58 PM


Ok... went to the vet. He said he honestly doesnt have experience with genital issues like this. He said that he thought the amoxicillin was fine but I kind of put my foot down and requested Flagyl, Baytril, and torb for pain. He willingly gave me all of these for free actually, but had no idea as to the dosage. I instructed him to look at our list of approved vets so he is calling to consult one tomorrow.

Anyone know these dosages?? If nothing else just to double check what he tells me tomorrow..

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258121
04/10/07 10:11 PM
04/10/07 10:11 PM


Ok... so Im not sure if the top of the penis actually did fall off... This is what it looks like:
Penis 2

Its actually hanging out a lot less than before. It was out about an inch.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258122
04/10/07 10:14 PM
04/10/07 10:14 PM


Sorry my camera isnt good at close ups :/

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258158
04/10/07 10:56 PM
04/10/07 10:56 PM
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The med dosages will be based on his weight, and only a vet can determine those for you dunno The very tip still looks like it has some black tissue there, did he look at his penis at all?

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: BeckiT] #258167
04/10/07 11:06 PM
04/10/07 11:06 PM


Have your vet get on (Veterinary information network) They have the recommended mg/kgs dosage there or he can contact another vet that will know!

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: BeckiT] #258177
04/10/07 11:15 PM
04/10/07 11:15 PM


Wow, that is awful! Xfilefan, than goodness you had all that info. If it weren't for these forums where people can get help from people like you and Shelleriddle this quickly, our poor gliders sure would suffer needlessly wouldn't they?!?! It just goes to show that sometimes we know more than the vet does about these guys. At least this vet is willing to consult with more knowledgable vets. Best of luck to you both!!! I really, really hope everything turns out ok.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258223
04/10/07 11:58 PM
04/10/07 11:58 PM
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That may shed on it's own once the infection causing it is under control. Just make sure it's not spreading. I know it looks bad, but it is also relatively small, gratefully. I'll keep watching this tonight (as the touchy work computer will allow) and I'll have my cell with me). I left a post in your ecollar thread-just don't panic. Use a ruler to extend the template, and hand draw if needed based on that. It's okay if it's not perfect-you want it to go on, stay on, and keep him away from himself.

Until you can get him on the other meds, keep up with the amoxicillin. I can't tell you how much, your vet will need to tell another how many mg/ml it's mixed at, and the weight of the glider. My vets are willing to consult if needed tomorrow, I can give phone numbers for that.

Last edited by Xfilefan; 04/11/07 12:01 AM.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #258293
04/11/07 01:47 AM
04/11/07 01:47 AM
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I already gave the number for Pet ER so hopefully they can help with a dosage tonight. My reg. daytime vet, Dr. Harris, isn't in on Wednesdays, but another good vet, Dr. Folland is, in case this has to wait until tomorrow and your vet still needs help. His info is:

Parrish Creek Veterinary Clinic
Douglas W Folland, DVM
86 North 70 West
Centerville, UT 84014
(801) 298-2014

These folks are glider knowledgeable, and very caring, and your vet shouldn't have any trouble. Hopefully we can get your little dude feeling better.

They can also help with the dosages for the antibiotics.

And here's Pet ER's complete info-there is no one there in the daytime that deals with gliders though, only after hours (7pm to 7am Mountain time)-they can do after hours consults though:

Cottonwood Animal Hospital / Pet ER Nighttime Emergency vets
Dr. Emch and Dr. Matheson Nighttime Emergency vets 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM 6360 South Highland Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Located inside Cottonwood Animal Hospital 1 block North of I-215 off the 2000 East exit (801) 278-3367 Fax:(801) 278-0505

Last edited by Xfilefan; 04/11/07 01:55 AM.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #258311
04/11/07 02:11 AM
04/11/07 02:11 AM



I called and they were hesitant at first but they gave me the dosages.. For tonight Im only giving the pain meds because he was still on amoxicillin today.

again, thank you thank you!!
And Bourbon, thank you!!
and Mary, Thank you!!

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258313
04/11/07 02:14 AM
04/11/07 02:14 AM
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Good news is always welcome! hug2 I'm glad they could help. smile

Now just keep us updated on your little man.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258315
04/11/07 02:19 AM
04/11/07 02:19 AM
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Hope your little man will be ok, I have a question, what causes this sort of thing to happen in the first place?

As time goes by and my loves pass. I will forever be greatfull for the time we had together. I will see you soon my loves.
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Their_mommy] #258319
04/11/07 02:23 AM
04/11/07 02:23 AM
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Main causes: irritation, overstimulation, injury, infection. Either self inflicted ( as in flossing too much) or result of something like a UTI causing pain and the glider goes after what hurts, being out for too long and drying (usually caused by irritation or infection), or injury while out, either external or self inflicted. Even a tiny break in the skin, ie from too much licking, can allow bacteria entry, and then it has nowhere to go, and tissue can die. That's the simple explanation, anyway.

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #258328
04/11/07 02:39 AM
04/11/07 02:39 AM


I just want you to know that I've recently had some complications with my male due to overactive hormones and overgrooming and I got him in a collar immediately. When I did get him to a vet the doctor told me that he did minimal damage because I put him in the collar.

Neo has been in the collar for three months and tonight is possibly the first night he'll be out of it. You will have to modify any ecollar design you find to fit your glider. Mine was small and it took four tried until we had a collar that fit.

I wish you the best and keep us updated.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258461
04/11/07 11:38 AM
04/11/07 11:38 AM
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Erica, how's he doing this morning?

Jen/Colin :bb: Commander Riker 12 16 02-10 04 12 you will be FOREVER missed :wfb: Sinbad, :wfb: Gabby, :grey: Baby, and :grey: Alley
Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: Xfilefan] #258568
04/11/07 01:20 PM
04/11/07 01:20 PM


Sent you a pm.. But for all who are curious:

1. In terms of his penis, It has went in a wee bit more. (It has been slowly retracting day by day) It still has a small spot of black (im talking about 1mm) so the vet (and jen and mary h) thought we should let it be to see if it falls off on its own.

2. Because he hasn't actually shown any signs of sm,no biting, no sm noises, I decided to remove the collar and keep him in constant supervision. He hasn't made any sm noises or crabbing.

3. Behavior wise, he is the same ol Tork he always is. I have him sitting right next to my keyboard at work and he watches me almost constantly. He tried to explore my office some, but its not glider proof so I stop him. He had great fun with a plastic easter egg for about 30 min.. It was pretty cute. laugh

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258575
04/11/07 01:22 PM
04/11/07 01:22 PM


Oh, and for "Their_Mommy" I believe this started because of a recent intro to a female and he was overstimulated, and it was drying and sticking into his fur.

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258670
04/11/07 02:47 PM
04/11/07 02:47 PM


Its almost in!!! Its almost in!! woohoo

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258685
04/11/07 03:01 PM
04/11/07 03:01 PM


There is about 2mm left out!! woo we're almost there laugh

Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: ] #258691
04/11/07 03:08 PM
04/11/07 03:08 PM
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Oh that's so good to hear! clap

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Re: Penis Amputation : (((((( [Re: GliderLove] #258713
04/11/07 03:27 PM
04/11/07 03:27 PM


Yay! I'm glad to hear this ended well. It might not SEEM like you really prevented much considering what he has to go through being in that collar, but I've read SO many stories of SM gone bad really fast!! GOOD WORK!

Keep us posted! smile

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