I just got done checking on Chance's face and it is almost completely healed
The swelling is now completely gone and you can almost not see where he got poked with a needle.
I would say by tomorrow you will never noticed that anything happened to him.
I am thinking about still taking him to our regular
vet for a check-up any ways.
but as of right now Roxy hasnt even touched it
That is what I was worried about her making it worse than what is already was.
but she didnt.
and BTW- I think I have spoiled the little brat in the last couple of days LOL>
I have this thing if one is sick or hurt I keep them on me 24/7 because I am scared something would happen.
before Chance would never let me hold him in the palm of my hand..I dont know why he just hates to be held...this morning guess what he did? He let me hold him and give him all kind of kisses...and the whole time he was just a purring:) LOL.
and he has not bit me since all this happened..and he is a true biter...every thing just ticks him off LOL.
I think this helped alot with our