Hey everyone I need some advice on things that can be done to help an older glider gain weight as well as helping general health.
My glider Smore has had a rough 1.5 year.
Here you can find an older post about when her issues started. I can't find the other post with info about her. Maybe I wasn't logged in or was adding to another commenter post. But here a semi-brief catch up.
After her constipation issue was improving she ended up with a neuro problem. I think she either fell due to loopiness from meds, or seizure. Something happened which sounded like a fall from low in the cage 12" maybe. She was shaking her head back and forth and circling. She was seen by the
vet with no clear diagnosis other than something happeneded neurological. She still ate, ran in wheel, played, but was very unsteady and would routinely walk in circles. I changed how the cage was set up making several large cage width hammocks and spaced and overlapped things so if she did fall again, it wouldn't be a big fall and would be caught by something. She has lived like this ever since and since her male cagemate Falcore was old and a slow old fella he didn't mind the changes.
This past July Falcore started having bloating issues on his sides. They suspected heart/liver failure and he was brought to the
vet several times to have the fluid extracted. 12ml was removed on his first visit, 21ml on his second and he's passed away in the early hours of this last
vet appt. He had been tested for parasites and Guardia as well.
A day after his passing I noticed some brownish red liquid on the white fleece I was using with Smores. After noticing it again I took her to the
vet. She had blood work and fecal tests. No issues seen. The
vet thought maybe it was a uti gave us some pain and antibiotics for 5 days. After 5 days she was still having reddish brown showing in her urine at times so I took her back to the
vet. More testing was leading the
vet to believe she may be starting renal failure. Back home with meds. Since then her urine has cleared up. She's acting rather normal for her age of 10y.
Throughout all this she has slowly lost weight, gone from and avg of mid 90g to a steady 73-75g. Her fur is thinning and crackly. Also in the last couple months she has gone from just overgrooming right above her eyes to nearly her whole head back to behind her ears. Since she's been alone I am carrying her in my shirt nearly everyday for anywhere from 2 hours to all day until feeding time at night.She is on the CLC
diet with salad 3 or 4. I have prepared glider crack several times and added that to her f/v and staple at night. I also randomly add some pumpkin or avocado.
Is there any advice on what I can add to her
diet to help her gain some weight back. She looks so frail most of the time. I am working on getting her introduced with my other female Buttercup who has always been a lone glider. Intros didn't go well with the 3 of them and it seemed that Cup liked being alone. Buttercup is 7ish and I'm really hoping the 2 will get along but I've been worried about intros due to weight differences and Smores health. Should I continue to try intoductions? Given everything said and I know its a lot, what else can I try?