Hi all, long time lurker and need help. Currently have two gliders. My boy is 7 and healthy. My girl is 10 (11 in June) and her health has been declining for the last year. She's missing one of her back legs, half her tail, and has arthritis. She still eats and drinks normally and has good mobility, all things considered. I have a
vet nearby who I like and knows my babies well.
Last night (Saturday) I noticed my girl (Fili) hissing a bit when she urinated, but she was otherwise normal. I called my
vet this morning, but her next opening is tomorrow (Monday). This afternoon, FIli barked at me so I came in to check on her and her cloaca was red and irritated looking. I kept her on me to make sure she didn't mess with it, thinking we could make it to the appointment tomorrow. Around 5ish she started crabbing and didn't stop, so I rushed her to the emergency
vet. They wouldn't let me inside with her (COVID I guess), so I only had a phone conversation with the
vet and didn't get to see how exactly they examined her. Emergency
vet couldn't get a urine sample but thinks Fili has a bladder infection. She gave her fluids and an injection of buprenex. She sent me home with clavamox twice a day for 14 days.
I got her home, got some food in her (she's on OHPW), and started the antibiotic. But she was still crabbing and hissing a lot. I think it really hurts when she tries to pee or poop, but she's hissing even when she doesn't seem to be straining. She isn't picking at her cloaca, but of course I'm worried she'll start. She's quietly sleeping in my shirt right now, but I'm afraid she's still in pain when she's awake and I'm worried that the emergency
vet didn't actually help.
I'm still planning to see my regular
vet tomorrow, but is there anything I can do in the meantime? Reading back over this i sound very calm but I am in fact a huge wreck and would appreciate advice. :/