Hello GliderCENTRAL members!
So, I don't have any Gliders myself; I never have and frankly it doesn't sound like they'd ever be suited to my lifestyle (or financial situation).
That said, I'm
very interested in pet care and I see these little guys listed for adoption/sale around me pretty much weekly..
A lot of these listings are.. concerning, to say the least. I've always had the vague sense that some of these people just straight up are not being responsible with the animals in their charge; but I've never had enough information to make educated judgement calls.
(It's always just been vague thoughts of "oh, wow, that.. that doesn't look/feel right" and "I wonder if that
breeder.. cares.. if their buyers actually know how to look after that species..")
I hate to think that I've seen a listing and just dismissed it as "that's probably fine, what do I know" or made an overly harsh / uninformed judgement about someone's Glider care! But I probably have done one or the other (or both) a couple times, and I want to work on that.
So, basically, I want to learn everything I can (short of actual first-hand stuff) so that I can fix my own lack of knowledge
and (hopefully) help out with any Sugar Gliders that may find their way into the lives of people around me.
This forum seems like it'll be useful, so I'm looking forward to wandering further into the existing posts/topics on various subjects and just generally being the animal husbandry nerd I always am
Oh and your emoticons are hilarious, I love them: