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Three small questions
02/25/18 10:21 AM
02/25/18 10:21 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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Hello everyone! Lucy and Wendy are well and send their hellos, actually they didn't, I'm doing it for them, they apparently can't be bothered to interrupt the living of the good life. Question 1 Anyone leave music or other sounds on while they are away? I was thinking of a radio or even Australian jungle sounds or old episodes of the crocodile Hunter, lol. Question 2 Does anyone use an air freshener or baking soda in or within close proximity to, ( but not within paw reach) of their closer area? I keep it clean but there is a slight smell. I don't mind it so much but for goodness sake if I have a guest over out something. Question 3 My girls are almost always on me now but we still don't leave the room for fear of someone jumping off and going exploring. ( Not me, them....). What is the best thing I can wear to give them the best temptation to curl up and relax? Old hoodie? Lab coat? Fireman uniform? I thought about making a smock out of two Aldi's shoe protectors, maybe more of a serape, that would give them about fifty pockets to choose from. Ok nap time for everyone. Later. Bill
Great googley moogley
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/25/18 12:03 PM
02/25/18 12:03 PM
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Answer to #1:
When we work nights, sleep days, we leave the TV on. Otherwise, they will be barking when we come home at 4am. In an RV with neighbors close, they appreciate it. Also during the day I so leave a radio on. It keeps the daily noises like crashes, vacuum, etc from starling them.
Answer#2 : I don't use anything. I clean out drop pan every other day. I wipe down as needed, wash hammocks and such once a week, and sleeping pouch every 3 weeks or so. If mine suddenly start to smell bad, I look at their urine/poo first, changes in their environment like new cleaners I use in other parts of the house, guests,whether they are invited or not (mice). Anything that may make them over mark.
I wear an old smelly hoodie. It was my favorite. 2 summers ago I had to sacrifice the sleeves for my comfort. I kept the sleeves incase I can find one they like as well, Again I just need to throw sleeves away. Yes, mine might decide to peek out, but you can tell they are about to jump. When you feel this, they are making a 1 second judgement on how far to jump. You must learn ways of a ninja... You can usually deter jumping by moving faster, or do a simple spin (no too fast). You will feel a difference in their stance.
If this was helpful, check here please____.
Just kidding!
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/25/18 12:06 PM
02/25/18 12:06 PM
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Hello everyone! Lucy and Wendy are well and send their hellos, actually they didn't, I'm doing it for them, they apparently can't be bothered to interrupt the living of the good life. Question 1 Anyone leave music or other sounds on while they are away? I was thinking of a radio or even Australian jungle sounds or old episodes of the crocodile Hunter, lol. My parrots share a room with the gliders. When we were all in one big room (where I used to live) I would leave the TV on, but now I have only netflix so so no tv for them. They may like a radio but with the Cockatoo dander I haven't put one in there. Question 2 Does anyone use an air freshener or baking soda in or within close proximity to, ( but not within paw reach) of their closer area? I keep it clean but there is a slight smell. I don't mind it so much but for goodness sake if I have a guest over out something. I use Citrus Magic solids in their room, just make sure they can't get into it.Question 3 My girls are almost always on me now but we still don't leave the room for fear of someone jumping off and going exploring. ( Not me, them....). What is the best thing I can wear to give them the best temptation to curl up and relax? Old hoodie? Lab coat? Fireman uniform? I thought about making a smock out of two Aldi's shoe protectors, maybe more of a serape, that would give them about fifty pockets to choose from. Here is a link to the best bonding pouches out there, make sure you tell her to include the harness for wearing it. You can clean and bend over and the pouch doesn't swing away from your body. Sissy Pouch Ok nap time for everyone. Later. Bill Hope that helps.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/25/18 03:43 PM
02/25/18 03:43 PM
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Howdy!! Lucy and Wendy are well and send their hellos, actually they didn't, I'm doing it for them, they apparently can't be bothered to interrupt the living of the good life. Yeah, we all understand that. It's pretty universal, lol. Question 1 Anyone leave music or other sounds on while they are away? I was thinking of a radio or even Australian jungle sounds or old episodes of the crocodile Hunter, lol. If mine are being particularly noisy, I will leave a YouTube channel or something on. What doesn't seem to really matter, but low volume & constant seems to quiet them down. Question 2 Does anyone use an air freshener or baking soda in or within close proximity to, ( but not within paw reach) of their closer area? I keep it clean but there is a slight smell. I don't mind it so much but for goodness sake if I have a guest over out something. Nope, but I try to keep some cross-airflow going in my house. No central or forced-air/heat, so it keeps the house fresher. Two screened windows cracked open on the opposite ends of the floor does wonders. Question 3 My girls are almost always on me now but we still don't leave the room for fear of someone jumping off and going exploring. ( Not me, them....). What is the best thing I can wear to give them the best temptation to curl up and relax? Old hoodie? Lab coat? Fireman uniform? I thought about making a smock out of two Aldi's shoe protectors, maybe more of a serape, that would give them about fifty pockets to choose from. Like has been mentioned, you'll very quickly develop a feel for when they're considering 'the leap.' All you have to do it change their orientation (change speed, twist or angle different, or redirect them wit your hand) & they'll change their mind. I think of them like a targeting computer... either they have a lock or the trigger doesn't get pulled. Ok nap time for everyone. Later. Bill Pleasant dreams!
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/26/18 12:25 AM
02/26/18 12:25 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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This is actually the first time I've visited and posted on a real computer, wow! what a huuuuge difference! I got a chrome book and it's taking some getting used to but this site is a lot more visually active than I realized! Thanks for all the responses. I do see what you mean about the stance, posture, etc. I have really been trying to watch the girls closely and learn what they do and when..I may never know why. lol. It's very hypnotic to watch their tails move in waves so slowly when I guess they are thinking about something. And just like dogs and cats or I guess all animals they tighten up right before they jump. Tonight I decided to try and do a tent trip. It was a big deal because of all the remodel stuff everywhere but I managed to get the tent open on the bed and all ready with some toys and snacks. I managed to get Wendy in fairly easy although we never spent a ton of time in the tent. Just a few visits when they were introducing themselves. Lucy however was impossible. I managed to get her down the hall and into the bedroom but then she spazzed out and took off. I couldn't even hold on to her so I just let her go rather than fight. I already knew the bedroom albeit messy, was still safe. I have a theory about this. Lucy spent a month in a small cage in my bedroom while I was learning and looking for a cage buddy. She had plenty of time to learn the room and get a good memory of it. The two times she has managed to escape (and she is the only one who tries) she has made a beeline to the bedroom and after running around for a while she basically lets me know that she is ready to go back. So if there is such a thing as an imprint of where she was introduced to me and where we became friends I guess that's it. I also think that she feels more comfortable there because she isn't the alpha in the glider room but in the bedroom she probably feels that she is. although I haven't let them both roam the room. Wendy and I sat in the tent, I guess I should say that I sat in the tent and wendy did about 100 laps around and was constnatly looking for lucy. she didn't want to play or snack. Lucy was having a good old time exploring but after a while I was able to have her jump to me then into the tent. So we were all in there for the first time since forever. Things seemed a little better they chased and traded kisses. Eventually Wendy tuckered out and curled up next to me. I tried to get lucy to do the same but she just wanted to go up and down. It didn't seem like they enjoyed the tent, maybe because it's even smaller than their cage. What do you guys think? thanks again !!!!!!
Great googley moogley
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/26/18 11:53 AM
02/26/18 11:53 AM
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If the tent is smaller than cage, it would make sense that they don't care for it.
Keep in mind that tent time is for them to get to know you without being confined by hand or pouch. They are scent oriented, and even though they are not playing with you they become less stressed by your presence.
When mine escape, they find us in the bedroom, usually in bed asleep. They run up and down the covers, or across our heads till we wake up and put them in their cage.
The first time this happened, I thought it was a mouse... A long story... But very funny! I'll see if I can find it.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/27/18 01:56 AM
02/27/18 01:56 AM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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thats awesome! I have some eucalyptus leaves I ordered for a way too high price, (I thought I was getting leaves, I got tea basically) so maybe I'll try a diffuser like you. I had a pretty bad day today, eveything I tried to do just went south quickly. Wrong turns, rude clerks, goose chasing items, close calls on the highway, road rage, bad food choices, and just over all failure after failure. I noticed a strange smell in my garage. (I'm building a wood shop thing) and I looked up and wires are melting. When I re-wired I screwed something up so I have to do it over. So then I had to hunt down tools and conectors etc. Everything used to be in one place and now its everywhere. So I didn't get that done which means I couldn't do any of the projects with no power. sorry it was just a bad bad day. I was honestly ready to just curl up and hope for one of those dreamless sleeps. oh did I mention my day started with two un-announced guests for breakfast? I look up and there are a couple of hot mamas staring me down...from the floor. I guess I didn't close the gate all the way (which I cannot believe but there is no other explanation) There was a brief moment where no one knew what to do then I just said "Hey!" Wendy ran right back to the cage because she's a wuss and Lucy took off for the bedroom. I just laid in bed and waited , she came to me and we went back and played for a while. Anyway I thougnt about taking a pass on glider time tonight but then I thought about how they wouldn't understand why that would happen and they wouldn't like it either. So I kept the schedule and it ended up being the best part of the day. WE are one days in a row with out a urination on a human incident people. so here are three more questions.
tail carrying...haven't heard it mentioned here but did hear the term the other day while watching some video. Is there a way to encourage this? I feel it would be a learned behavior having to be passed down but i wanted to see what you guys thought.
Light "paralysis" Sometimes I have to turn on the overhead light. Invariably one of the gliders will "freeze" and just stay that way. Petting them, stroking them, nothing really elicits a response. They eventually move very very slowly to a darker area but almost in slow motion. this isn't all or every time but it happens.
The wheel deal.... I found the source of my unpleasant odor. the wodent wheel! wow! it was filthy and smelly. It look like someone was playing splatoon in there with poo. I'm going to clean it a lot more often now. Why would they use their fav toy as a bathroom? and why if they hate lights do they always come over and try to use my phone. Should I just add them to my plan
Bonus question...Does anyone have any surveilance cameras or baby monitor set up for your gliders? I was just wondering if there was a cheap affordable set up. I get bored and would like to use my phone to check in and see what's up with the ladies. Also at the bar sometimes I could show the members a better idea of what I have. They are all very interested. ok can barley keep my eyes open, take care everyone!!
Great googley moogley
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/27/18 01:17 PM
02/27/18 01:17 PM
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oh did I mention my day started with two un-announced guests for breakfast? I look up and there are a couple of hot mamas staring me down...from the floor. I guess I didn't close the gate all the way (which I cannot believe but there is no other explanation) There was a brief moment where no one knew what to do then I just said "Hey!" Wendy ran right back to the cage because she's a wuss and Lucy took off for the bedroom. I just laid in bed and waited , she came to me and we went back and played for a while. Sorry to hear this, man! Anyway I thougnt about taking a pass on glider time tonight but then I thought about how they wouldn't understand why that would happen and they wouldn't like it either. So I kept the schedule and it ended up being the best part of the day. Mine often help me as well. Five out of three docs say playing with your Sugar Gliders improves your day! Science! WE are one days in a row with out a urination on a human incident people. so here are three more questions. Yay! It doesn't last  So, to the answers... tail carrying...haven't heard it mentioned here but did hear the term the other day while watching some video. Is there a way to encourage this? I feel it would be a learned behavior having to be passed down but i wanted to see what you guys thought. It's mentioned once in a great while, but it doesn't seem like many gliders do this or that there is much of a way to encourage it. I've never seen mine do it, but they're able to move a lot around anyways. My Arthur seems the type how he keeps his tailed curled above him always, but I think he's too lazy. Light "paralysis" Sometimes I have to turn on the overhead light. Invariably one of the gliders will "freeze" and just stay that way. Petting them, stroking them, nothing really elicits a response. They eventually move very very slowly to a darker area but almost in slow motion. this isn't all or every time but it happens. It's more survival instinct; you've startled them with the light. If they don't move, you might not realize they're edible. (In case of doubt, once you've named them, don't eat them. Unless the name is Lunch, Dinner, or Tommy.) The wheel deal.... I found the source of my unpleasant odor. the wodent wheel! wow! it was filthy and smelly. It look like someone was playing splatoon in there with poo. I'm going to clean it a lot more often now. Why would they use their fav toy as a bathroom? and why if they hate lights do they always come over and try to use my phone. Should I just add them to my plan They pee everywhere. It just happened as they run around, kindof like babies. I use to use a Wodent Wheel as a travel & second wheel, but they're too annoying to clean or use for nail trimming. If you look at some of the others out there with the mesh design, it doesn't stink up as fast, is easier to clean, and is able to hold sandpaper on the outside to help keep their nails less needle-like. Bonus question...Does anyone have any surveilance cameras or baby monitor set up for your gliders? I was just wondering if there was a cheap affordable set up. I get bored and would like to use my phone to check in and see what's up with the ladies. Also at the bar sometimes I could show the members a better idea of what I have. They are all very interested. Bonus! Do I get cake!? I don't, but I knew someone who did. She worked nights, so it gave her a way to check on them while they were active... and pass the slow night-shift. ok can barley keep my eyes open, take care everyone!! Sleep well & I hope tomorrow is better for you.
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
02/27/18 04:20 PM
02/27/18 04:20 PM
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To encourage tail carrying, give them the hard plastic bracelets that little girls like to wear by the dozens.
It is fun to watch them shimmy it down their body and get their tail wrapped around it.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Three small questions
[Re: Feather]
02/27/18 10:23 PM
02/27/18 10:23 PM
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To encourage tail carrying, give them the hard plastic bracelets that little girls like to wear by the dozens.
It is fun to watch them shimmy it down their body and get their tail wrapped around it. Good to know!!
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/01/18 11:44 PM
03/01/18 11:44 PM
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billytense aka Lisa11
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great, now I have to go "accessory" shopping in the little girls department, that ought to go over well... lol.
I was going to ask if anyone knew of a sugar glider documentary, but I googled it and not much came up at all. With the rise in glider adoptions and sales I would like to see someone do some thorough reseach with high quality video. some day. Hey I don't know if you guys heard this but Dwayne Johnson, aka "The Rock" is in a new movie called "Rampage" it's based on an old video game actually. It looks like some animals ae experimented on with some kind of serum and grow super big and trash a city...I have it on good authority that after the credits there is a scene where a sugar glider is shown lapping up the next, more powerful version of the serum, setting up the sequel entitled. .....Ok I don't have a great title and I made this up but I'm sure someone out there is creative enough to come up with something. Like "Ramplage 2, Sugar Glider Domination!" or "Rampage 2, The world gets destroyed, and it's adorable" or "Rampage 2, Rock, Paper, Sugars..."
Ok before I go, Wendy was on top of the cage the other night and I saw her eyeing me up so I held out my hands and arms and beckoned to her. She Jumped to me! and it was awesome! I quickly gave her a little treat and set her back on the cage and we did it again, no third time but that was some progress!
good night everyone
Great googley moogley
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/02/18 01:57 AM
03/02/18 01:57 AM
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Why do you need to go shopping in the little girls department?
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/02/18 09:39 AM
03/02/18 09:39 AM
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Cheap hard plastic bracelets can be found in the toy Dept., Or party supplies, Walmart, dollar general, dollar tree. Stay away from bracelets that have cloth, fur or glitter glued on the outside of bracelet.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/02/18 05:01 PM
03/02/18 05:01 PM
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I was going to ask if anyone knew of a sugar glider documentary, but I googled it and not much came up at all. With the rise in glider adoptions and sales I would like to see someone do some thorough reseach with high quality video. some day.
No high-quality movie to my knowledge, but I HIGHLY recommend the book "Grey Angels" by Donna Fritz.
Last edited by Hutch; 03/02/18 05:01 PM.
Re: Three small questions
[Re: Hutch]
03/02/18 07:26 PM
03/02/18 07:26 PM
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Serious Glideritis
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You could also order them online from vendors selling toy making supplies. Speaking of, you can make great toys using the plastic bracelets as well.
Lives with: 1 God 1 dog, (Willow) 1 Sugie, (Ollie) R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17) R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: Three small questions
[Re: Hutch]
03/02/18 07:38 PM
03/02/18 07:38 PM
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No high-quality movie to my knowledge, but I HIGHLY recommend the book "Grey Angels" by Donna Fritz. Hutch have you read both books, there are two "Grey Angels" books.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Three small questions
[Re: Feather]
03/03/18 03:31 AM
03/03/18 03:31 AM
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No high-quality movie to my knowledge, but I HIGHLY recommend the book "Grey Angels" by Donna Fritz. Hutch have you read both books, there are two "Grey Angels" books. No, the second one isn't on kindle which makes me lazy about ordering it. I'll get to it, I keep it on my amazon wish list.
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/03/18 08:45 AM
03/03/18 08:45 AM
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Hutch, I'll loan you mine, if you promise to send it back.
Last edited by Ladymagyver; 03/03/18 08:45 AM.
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
Re: Three small questions
[Re: billytense aka Lisa11]
03/03/18 06:53 PM
03/03/18 06:53 PM
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I had to do them both as actual book, I haven't done a kindle.
I like the feel of a hard cover book in my hands, most of my Anne Rice books are hard cover.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet  T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon  TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Three small questions
[Re: Hutch]
03/03/18 07:43 PM
03/03/18 07:43 PM
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I'll take you up on that offer once I'm stateside. Thanks! Deal! Just remind me 
Dawn Be patient, and Trust your journey.... Grace Ruby  Mom  Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...
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