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ECHO Echo echo #1413113
11/27/17 01:10 PM
11/27/17 01:10 PM
Joined: Nov 2015
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Belleville, IL
Hutch Offline OP
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Hutch  Offline OP
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Joined: Nov 2015
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Belleville, IL
Alright... too quiet for too many days! So, to make some noise & provide us addicts our daily fix of suggie-ness, I have a very important question for EVERYONE who reads this. -->Very Important!!<--

What did you do with your sugar gliders tonight?

See, an easy one! So, no excuse to not answer :nanana: I'll even start!


The evening is still young here, only 1900, so I'm taking advantage of their groggyness for some cuddle time. Slipped my hand into their sleeping pouch as it rests on my chest. They're getting so use to this they don't fuss & barely even move about, just kind-of resettle around my hand.

Gwynevere has claimed my pointer finger & refusing to share it with the other. (There are many others like it, but this finger is mine.)

Either Arthur or Morgana is in my palm licking away with the only the occasional nip. The other one is stretched across the back of my hand. I don't have a good angle to see which is where.

Merlin is being his usual crabby self & hiding in the bottom. (Seriously, someone invent glider-coffee!)


(Yes, you, the one reading this!)

- Hutch

:grey: Morgana (11/15)

Arthur (11/15-3/24)
Merlin (11/15-9/23)
Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)

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Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413121
11/28/17 10:46 AM
11/28/17 10:46 AM
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Free Like the Wind!
Stef333 Offline
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Stef333  Offline
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Free Like the Wind!
Hi Hutch! smile

Last night we decided to try tent time with both colonies AND both dogs. (Yea, I know, but it's our own special version of insanity.) This time we also brought in the toy castle that Sugar Squadron likes to play on, in an attempt to coax Winky and Yoda into sharing the fun.

The setting: a portable table in the middle of a large pop-up tent, upon which sits a pink and purple plastic castle, and two fleece bags, each filled with sleepy gliders.

In an uncharacteristically bold move, Winky was first out of the pouch, where she shot over to the castle and perched on the highest purple turret like a furry dragon with her tail curled extra tight. Yoda hit the snooze button and curled up in the bottom of the bag to get a few more zzz's, while three sets of big black eyes in tiny white faces stared out at me from the depths of the other bag.

Continuing her streak of surprising courage, Winky soon jumped into the foreign pouch with Sugar Squadron, which led to some mutual crabbing and her quick exit from that pouch. She must have borrowed all of Yoda's usual curiosity and courage, because once he was finally awake all he wanted to do was curl up in my bra! (We won't talk about the attempted nipple piercing.)

Winky was back up on the turret and looking deeply disturbed with her little ears flattened back, so I went over and offered her the sanctuary of my cleavage. She happily jumped on board and snuggled up all cozy with her brother.

It was a windy evening and the tent was rustling and shaking, and we think that's probably why the gliders just weren't into play time last night. We'll try again on a night that's more still. smile

Last edited by Stef333; 11/28/17 10:55 AM.

:grey: Yoda (Yodins) :grey: Jabberwinky (Winklefritz)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413124
11/28/17 05:08 PM
11/28/17 05:08 PM
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SW Missouri USA
Ladymagyver Offline
Ladymagyver  Offline

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SW Missouri USA
Well, I hate to say it, but no cuddle time last 3 nights...


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Ladymagyver] #1413132
11/28/17 09:33 PM
11/28/17 09:33 PM
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Terry Offline
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Terry  Offline
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Safe journeys Dawn!

Well last night I didn't get any extra time with my fuzzy brats, I have been super tired lately. I did have a little visit with Skadoosh this morning, she wanted treats before going to bed.

This evening I found both of them waiting for dinner, usually if any it's just Ollie. Anyway, not too long ago I came up to check on them and Skadoosh was out of her pouch and wanted to come out. We hung out for a little bit. She was acting curious and actually did let me get some finger rubs on her smile These moments are rare. Anyway, I'm feeling pretty exhausted, so going off to bed.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413150
11/29/17 04:44 PM
11/29/17 04:44 PM
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Belleville, IL
Hutch Offline OP
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Hutch  Offline OP
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Belleville, IL
55 viewers & only 3 replies... that's a lot of lonely suggies out there stuck with no play-time frown Even Gwyn got to ride around on me for a while tonight & I didn't get home until almost 2200.

Since 4 out of 5 Sugar Gliders agree playtime increases their slaves' happiness, you should give it a try tonight... then post your experiences here! Just saying.

Last edited by Hutch; 11/30/17 05:38 PM.

- Hutch

:grey: Morgana (11/15)

Arthur (11/15-3/24)
Merlin (11/15-9/23)
Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)

The epic saga begins here!
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413151
11/29/17 06:25 PM
11/29/17 06:25 PM
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SW Missouri USA
Ladymagyver Offline
Ladymagyver  Offline

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SW Missouri USA
Mine may not have gotten cuddle time, but they went bye-bye, which to them means going home to RV!!! We got back to MS at 6pm, 1 hour past their dinner. So dummy me zips open the kennel, thinking babies in pouch in unzipped travel glidarium.. Ha! They were having a party running on treadmmill. So I zipped it back up and carried them in. Not an easy feat. No handles! I will be fixing that. They were happy to be home. They got turkey neck as a treat before dinner was ready.

Last edited by Ladymagyver; 11/29/17 06:26 PM.


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Ladymagyver] #1413155
11/29/17 08:30 PM
11/29/17 08:30 PM
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Terry Offline
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:haha: :funny: Dawn, that the girls consider the RV home. I guess it's a good thing if you're spending more time in there than in your actual home.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Terry] #1413164
11/30/17 09:47 PM
11/30/17 09:47 PM
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Terry Offline
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Skadoosh and I just had a blast, Ollie was sleeping in the pouch and missed it all. I wish I had taken some pics, but I was just enjoying watching her have fun.

Skadoosh has been super active lately, she's eating more, wanting treats, and wants to come out of the cage to explore. And boy does she explore, lol. We are limited from "Glider Free Zones" in my bedroom, so I have to kind of keep them rounded up in only certain areas. I feel like a sheepdog, lol. Anyway, they have their cage front, rooftop playground, and a mesh tunnel on the side that leads to the second shelf on my desk unit. this is my personal shelf, but it's suggie-safe and I have always let my gliders explore among some of my things. So, with a close watch, I let them explore that shelf. The top shelf of my desk unit holds two canvas bins, filled with access glider things (that I use frequently), and I've always kind of herded them away from jumping to it from their rooftop playground. Tonight, I let Skasoosh explore those bins, it was so cute. She also jumped to my robe which hangs on another shelf unit just outside my closet, (Lulu's favorite place to jump to, she always jumped to my robes, even in the bathroom at my old place). Anyway, Skadoosh went to it twice, once I had to retrieve her from the basket that sits on top and the 2nd time, she went around the back of the basket. If she had jumped off onto my tv stand, it would have been chaos, but instead, I climbed onto my bed and she jumped to me instead. It's so nice to see her back to her old, inquisitive self, it's been too long. She also explored the rooftop playground, and took a run in the wheel up there.

I only wish Ollie boy had been in on the fun, perhaps tomorrow or Saturday night.

Last edited by Terry; 11/30/17 09:48 PM.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413165
12/01/17 01:22 AM
12/01/17 01:22 AM
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Feather Offline
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Does chasing on of the little heathens around the apartment count?

Had someone come to adopt last night and one they were looking at came boiling out of the pouch and hit the ground running.

She bounced off of everything. It took me an hour to corral her after they left with two of her cage mates.

Then she didn't want to go back into her cage. (Picture the dog in the videos that didn't want a bath so he put his legs out to block from going into the bathroom.)

Got away from me once in the glider room but she didn't go far. BRAT!

Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack
Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet :bb: T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon :wfb: TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring :rtmo:
Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the :rbridge:

Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413169
12/01/17 04:40 AM
12/01/17 04:40 AM
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Ladymagyver Offline
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SW Missouri USA
sounds like both Terry and Kim had a lot of one on one time! Lol!

It's good to hear Skadoosh is playing more! Ollie just doesn't know what fun he is missing!

Mine are happy to be home. They have taken to their Martin's cage much better now.


Be patient,
Trust your journey....

Grace :bb:

Ruby :grey:

Mom :grey:

Fiona, Dot, Stewie and Dad :rbridge:

Wish I could turn back time... Miss you all...

Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413170
12/01/17 05:28 AM
12/01/17 05:28 AM
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TwoDog Offline
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TwoDog  Offline
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Tonight Stef and I watched Vikings from under a pile of dogs and gliders. There was much jumping and nose grabbing. But Ragnar and his guys again failed to take Paris.

Arrow insists that if he had been in the raid, they would have won!

Athena cringes away at all the bloodshed. (She and Stef both watch the screen through their fingers, when the big slaughter starts.

Also...when it was time for bed, I left the door open to allow the animals access to the cabin.
The dogs didn't want to sleep and of course the gliders were excited about getting back into their favorite room--so no sleep was had.

Mexican Medicine comes to the rescue with 50 dollar tooth extractions. But here's the kicker--NO DRUGS. Even still--GREAT dental care in Mexico!

Gross fact. The gliders love chewing the bloody severed flesh off my extracted teeth. Yeah I saved em! I am melting them down for the gold.
So I am gritting out three nasty molar extractions with nothing by Advil. Where is my big bottle of PILLS dammit!? This is the 21st century--there's no reason I should have to sit through this!
Here's a panic vision. I can't decide if it was a dream.
Chelsea comes down from the bedroom carrying Justin in her MOUTH.
Before I am sure I am seeing it, he falls out of her mouth and scrambles back up onto her back...then up and away.
Not sure I really saw that though--everyone is fine this morning. Possibly a hallucination.

Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Hutch] #1413174
12/01/17 09:42 AM
12/01/17 09:42 AM
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Free Like the Wind!
Stef333 Offline
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Stef333  Offline
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Free Like the Wind!
After I went to bed last night, just as I was falling asleep, I heard the telltale scritching of tiny claws scampering across my carpeted ceiling. That's not right...they should be locked in the cage.

I turned on the light and looked up to see Yoda hanging from the ceiling directly over my head. Plop! And a furry body lands on my pillow. (Oh, how sweet! He came to find me.) I scooped him up and took him out to the cage, where the top door was hanging wide open. Uh oh... and where's Winky?

Assuring that Yoda was finally behind locked doors, I turned in search of Miss Winkles. Lately she has been obsessed with getting into the cabinet that houses my slide-out switch, which currently has some exposed wires and an open panel waiting to be fixed. Just the sort of place where you do NOT want a curious glider poking her nose.

I lifted the cabinet door to find Winky excitedly exploring the space. We argued briefly, and then she surrendered to the inevitable and went quietly back to her cage.

This morning during play time, she made a bee line for the cabinet again. I held the door shut to prevent her from getting in, until I noticed that she was actually making pretty good progress in chewing through the wood. There is now a quarter inch deep hole in the wood frame from her wicked bottom teeth. I really need to get that panel fixed sooner than later...

:grey: Yoda (Yodins) :grey: Jabberwinky (Winklefritz)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Stef333] #1413190
12/01/17 09:23 PM
12/01/17 09:23 PM
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Terry Offline
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Kimberly, I would think that would, lol.

Dawn, you're right about Ollie, hopefully he'll get a chance out this weekend, when more time is allowed. I'm glad your fuzz-butts are settling into the new cage. Maybe they just needed to be away from their favorite place to appreciate it, lol.

TwoDog, ewww, gross! Lol

Stef, I hope you get your panel fixed soon, but at least you'll know where to find her, lol. Isn't funny how they'll fixate on something?

Hutch, this is a fun thread, thanks for starting it!

Last edited by Terry; 12/01/17 09:24 PM.

Lives with:
1 God
1 dog, (Willow)
1 Sugie, (Ollie)
R.I.P. Lulu (2/28/12-10/13/17)
R.I.P. Skadoosh (2/28/12-3/26/18)
Re: ECHO Echo echo [Re: Terry] #1413194
12/02/17 05:46 AM
12/02/17 05:46 AM
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Belleville, IL
Hutch Offline OP
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Hutch  Offline OP
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Belleville, IL
Originally Posted By: Terry
Hutch, this is a fun thread, thanks for starting it!
You're welcome wink I'm enjoying it too! Love the stories. Everyone keep 'em coming! Currently having some cuddle time with my sleeping fuzzies.

- Hutch

:grey: Morgana (11/15)

Arthur (11/15-3/24)
Merlin (11/15-9/23)
Gwynevere (11/15-4/22)

The epic saga begins here!

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