sept 2016 we had a male melanstic born here. we named him MJ.
because the 2 prior that were born in the US died, I did a weight chart on him and weighed him every day. at about 5 days oop he didn't gain for 3 days. my
vet came out and mommas pouch looked fine and she had milk but it seamed like he just wasn't nursing well. we decided to suppliment him. he started gaining steadily and his fur was filling in nicely. at 12 weeks oop he went to tufts university for testing. all they could say was that he had some type of a non inflammatory alopecia.
i have been working with many
vets, and specialists and we are trying to figure out why all of the melanistics have all had the same appearance which is thin, wiry looking fur but it is very soft. it seams like they are missing their undercoats. well MJ will be having more testing in about 3 months.
he now has a baby sister (Janet)who is also a melanistic, she was oop june 29th 2017, i am doing the same with her by weighing her every day. she also didnt gain for a few days within the first week, so she is also being supplemented. she will be getting the same testing that MJ had at the same age and at that time is when MJ will have his additional testing
it is our thought (mine and the people i am working with) that the supplementing helped them and improved their coats.
MJ was paired to a bb girl and just had his babies on july 20, 2017. they are twin bfbb's and they are happy and healthy.
MJ, Janet,(her bfbb sister), and MJS babies are all staying here. we are going to try and breed them out.
i dont know how to post oics here but whe i figure it out i will definitely post them