Hey all!
Hope you are all well. Sorry for the long absence--didn't have much glider stuff to talk about been..um…distracted.
And when they said workcamping, I didn’t think it would actually be a *work camp*.
I won’t bore you with the long version.
Let’s just say it’s way too much work. Long hours and kept getting our meager days off canceled for one reason or another. Getting back to the ship at night, I kept finding I had no energy for anything more.
We haven’t been treasure hunting or writing or taking pics. It’s been good for my weight loss, but bad for everything else.
Stef is of the same mind on this.
We have stopped pursuing our blogs, web pages, creative endeavors. Time to go.
We are pulling stakes on the 15th, and will be in a new BOONDOCKing camp.
This will be Stef and I’s first passage together.  Two people, two dogs and seven gliders.
(with apologies to C.W. McCall)
We will be attempting to run unhooked for about two months.
The one thing I have managed to do is upgrade the cage.
Here’s the old cage.
They hated is so much they have been sleeping in the cabinet next to the microwave for the last three weeks.
Nothing says lovin’ like a box of plastic silverware.
Old cage. Can’t put them in there without a trial.
Here’s the new cage. Can’t put them in here without a PARTY HAT! (Really…there could be seven gliders in here so…CONGA LINE!!!)
Clear tunnels connect the main cage, with upper storage (Play Land), and Play Land with Guest Cage (Yoda and Winky’s old
Pocket Pets cage.)
At the time of this writing they are already running back and forth through the tunnels.
Guest Cage will probably be renamed to something sexier, like “Love Den”, or “Aux Damage Control”, or some such.
When the cage is closed, the Play Land set slides back on drawer slides, and the cage-front hinges down from the ceiling. This locks the whole thing up. They can still travel between cages at all times, but can’t get out of the system into the rest of the RV.
Recognize that cage door? Haha. That’s the top of the old main cage. (Genius! Thanks, honey!)
The addition of the fake tree adds some natural flair and breaks things up a bit. The kids loooooove their tree.
Coming soon in Play Land—Guitar Solo-Proof web-cam nest box!
They will love it so much…
They will love it so much they will STOP POOPING ALL OVER THE HOUSE!!!
Seriously though. They get so much free-range time the poop cleanup is out of control.
And because they hate their boring cage, they don’t want to poop there—they want to poop somewhere else…
Anywhere else…
Got some real estate in there now…time to fill it with spinny things, and
Once we get out of the Hotel California here, we will be back online lots more. Can’t wait.  So much to catch up on…
Happy Glider-ing all!