They will come around when more comfortable as already said. This could vary though, per glider. Here is a rundown on which of my gliders do what. My 2 girls secretly like to be petted a little, well mostly more so 1 lately.
Ollie-mostly hangs out on my back and grooms my scalp, he also likes to pee on me (my Lulu used to be the same way, always saving pee up for me, and I'm not sure it's because she liked me, lol). After a while he'll climb around and jump to things, but it takes him a while to jump back to me or I have to get him. He still seems a little unsure about my hands. If he comes around the front of me I try to flat-hand pet him, but he takes off for my back,lol. In all fairness to Ollie, I didn't have him long before my life was up-heaved and disrupted with so many changes, so hasn't had the time with me like the girls had prior to disruption.
Lulu-as I said would save up pee to go on me, but now she'll go back to the cage to potty, then come back to me. She began to blossom into a jumper/gliding suggie prior to the disruption. Now that I'm finally able to get some routine back, she's getting back into the groove. She will start out on my back, grooming also at first. She is usually the first to go off on a venture, and then jump/glide back to me. She also began climbing around to the front of me and be still for a bit while I flat-hand pet her, and sometimes little finger scratching too.
Skadoosh, at first my big explorer has made changes, not for the better after an incident (another story) before the disruption. She is working up her courage and we are rebuilding trust again, but coming along slowly. She will also begin on my back and grooming, but will eventually leave and sometimes climb up high to jump/glide to me. She used to like to climb around to the front of me and stay for a bit for flat-handed petting, and sometimes, if I was sitting would sit on my leg for a moment as well. She doesn't do it so much anymore. She will usually leave me to pee.
So each glider is different, with their different personalities and dispositions, they may like and dislike different things. They may
bond (build trust) at different rates and to different levels. It's also possible they can be similar, but don't expect that as each is an individual.
sounds good so far though, glad to read you're making progress.