The littlest of my two Suggies has marks on her forehead that were not there when I got her and she has had no injurys while I have had her. if there was gashes or cut marks i would of noticed, I was slowly introducing her to the other one I have and the littlest one would crab, Swipe at the other one and she has no marks on her.
Then the other day I noticed the older one looked like she was biting her head and on top of her, there both girls. Not to sure what would of caused these marks They started showing up I thought they were just markings or eye brows but they are getting bigger.
She has went to a exotic vet when I first got them and the vet said they both were healthy and there fecal test was normal.
They are still seperated in different cages, I have never put them in a cage together, except once for 10 min but then they argued so I never did again. When I first introduced them I had them on a clean blanket on my bed and put new toys and treats and new bag they could crawl into if wanted to, The little one would try to hurt the bigger one so I tried again in a week after i swaped beds and bedding during that time between them both.
I read on here about the swaping it helped the next time the baby was craby some but wanted to snuggle the biger one but then the little one attacked her again so i havent done it again but tried to put them both on me at same tjme and from the picture i sent it looks like the biger one was being mean to the Smaller one.
The little one had the marks on her head before all this happened the last time
Looking at the picture it looks to me like she is over grooming. She is probably stressed from being alone and able to smell and hear your other glider.
I recommend doing introductions in the morning when they both want to sleep. If they go into the same bonding bag, wear them for the day.
I think the so called aggression that you witnessed was just the joey scared. If they both get along put them in the same cage but put multiple sleeping pouches in the cage for them.
They may sleep alone or they may sleep together.
Please keep us posted.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
The hair will grow back in, just watch her. No need to put anything on it.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the