So I posted these in the thread where I've been discussing his progress, but I wanted to give him some limelight for anyone who hasn't been keeping up with that. ;P
You can't quite tell from these pictures, but he has a disproportionately small head compared to his body (which is massive. Almost as big as my 5month old boy) and you can't quite see it, but he has all these extra long little fluffy hairs that make him have a very 'fuzzy' look. XD
More Chance! He's of course, a normal gray, and is my second glider that has no lineage, since he was adopted from a woman who runs a small animal rescue and owns her own pet Gliders, that just happen to have had joeys. Though there have been some serious hiccups (not realizing how young he -really- was before I took him home for example), and he's a very -noisy/crabby- baby, he's fallen in love with Mochi, and seems to accept my presence and affection so long as he can protest about it beforehand.