I decided to get a new pair to keep my Ollie company after he lost his brother.
The pair that I'm getting, are currently on the OHPW
diet. Ollie has been on BML his whole life.
Since the passing of his brother, Ollie hasn't eaten a whole lot. And when he does, he's REALLY fickle about what he's eating. Everything he used to eat and love, he now turns his nose up to. He just started picking at the BML again a couple of days ago, but still isn't eating as much as he probably should.
Long story short, I'd like to keep my new pair on the
diet they're currently on, and am thinking about switching Ollie to their
diet as well, in hopes that will reinvigorate his taste buds into eating normally again.
I've done a lot of reading about HPW and see that in order for the gliders to get the proper calium to phosphorous ratio, you need to feed them the proper fruits and veg to supplement. I found the chart with all of the ratios of fruits and veggies, but I find it all confusing. I've also found the "salad" mixtures used by Critterlove.
Should I just follow the salad mixtures from Critterlove? Or does anyone have any other recs on what fruit and veggies to give them? With the BML
diet I had a very short list to follow, so this is a whole new realm for me!