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Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
12/31/16 06:01 PM
12/31/16 06:01 PM
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I've just found myself in a bit of a pickle. I have a new little boy that I adopted from a Small Animal Rescue, the woman who owns it has a pair of Gliders, and they had joeys. She offered me one several months ago and I've kept in contact with her loosely ever since, though initially I had decided against adopting one, my husband and I decided we would like to go ahead and have one of these little boys. We went to pick him up yesterday, and all went well. He and his brother were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, cute as can be and very excitable, not hand-shy at all, hopping from one of us to the next as I tried to decide which of the twins I was taking home. He was -very- crabby of course, fussing quite a bit in his bonding pouch, but otherwise fine. I'm terrible with dates, but as we were leaving asked how old he was- He was OOP on November 20th. Now at the time I thought nothing of this at all. Then last night there was this niggling thought in the back of my head that something wasn't quite right. This morning I woke up to the strangest little noises I've ever heard, A 'Bark!-Sssuga-sssga-sssga' Almost like, but not quite similar to crabbing. I thought, 'Oh, he's calling for his mum or his twin' - He quieted when I came to pet him, but we had errands to run, and left the house. When I came back, he was still crying like this- Sitting up in his pouch and calling out- Mochi wasn't answering, but was running around in his own cage very curiously trying to source out the sound. It wasn't until a short time ago that I finally realized what was bothering me- And sure enough, looking at a calendar places him at 6Weeks OOP... I'm concerned, because it doesn't look like he did much to his food other than flip the bowl over, and I know that 8weeks is usually the youngest recommended- and I've found 12 suggested. I'm concerned for my new baby- Is he by chance fully weaned at this point? What do I need to do? Should I contact the original owner and suggest she put the other joey back with mum? We live a good distance away from one another- but would it be better to return him to her if possible? What should I do- and how do I best take care of this little guy?
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
12/31/16 08:02 PM
12/31/16 08:02 PM
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I would contact the lady you got them from, ask her if they were eating adult food. What diet are you feeding? I would put his or her food in a dish she can't tip over, use one that is divided if you can so you can tell if she is eating the staple diet and the veggies and fruit. Make sure you keep the room warm and you may want to get a shallow dish for water besides the water bottle, you will need to change it often as he will likely play in it. Keep us posted on this little one.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
12/31/16 08:20 PM
12/31/16 08:20 PM
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I've just contacted her to confirm that they were eating adult food. Currently he's eating Vitasmart pellets and an assortment of fruits and vegetables. (Which is what his parents were also eating) - but I plan to purchase the CritterLove diet and get both my boys started on that. I have two blankets covering the cage and am going to make a little fleece blanket for his pouch, just to be sure he can be kept warm. I can't tell if he ate any of his pellets, but he left the broccoli and carrot untouched- Tonight I'll try some melon and other fruits, or may offer him a mealworm, as she was feeding those as part of the diet (I feed mealies only as a special treat since they're so fattening.) I'll try the dish for water as well and keep an eye on that. I did introduce him to Mochi yesterday, which was most likely too early, but the introduction went well. Mochi tried once to establish his dominance (crawled on top of the little guy, who actually isn't that much smaller than he is- For six weeks he's a BIG joey!) and the baby crabbed at him/threw him off. Mochi then just kind of casually would approach him now and again, and the baby would run off in another direction. (Mostly they ignored one another, Mochi would hide in a towel and the joey would run all over the place exploring and seeing how high he could get/practicing his jumps.) I know that Mochi is interested in the little guy, as he was wide awake and listening to his calls for quite a while past his usual 'bedtime', and I think that they could get along very well- but I'm more apprehensive now about introducing them... Obviously the baby is lonely and wants his family, but would it be good to attempt to introduce the two so Mochi could take over 'teaching' him how to be a Sugar Glider? I'm concerned that he's going to miss critical development by being away from his family/from a mentor, and I don't want him to suffer just because I didn't think to do any math after I was told the babies were ready. U_U;
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
12/31/16 10:36 PM
12/31/16 10:36 PM
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Be careful introducing him back to his parents as he may smell like your other glider and the parents could hurt him. Critterlove is a good choice for diets, I feed Critterlove Plus and use the salad mixtures she has on her website. If you can get him eating, I would continue to do supervised play with your other one until you know the little one is eating well. I would not put them together until you know the little one is eating well.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
12/31/16 10:53 PM
12/31/16 10:53 PM
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We just had some more applesauce and a few mealworms, and I've made up some melon balls for him to eat. I plan to get an avocado as well so I can be sure he's getting enough to eat. I'm planning to go with the Critterlove Plus& One of the salad mixes, but have been currently feeding frozen fruits, fresh veggies and fresh apples- Mochi, my older boy also gets dried fruits (blueberries, cranberries, cherries) and yogies as treats, but the baby doesn't seem interested in them at all. (He actually -attacked- the applesauce with great vigor, screaming at it and lunge-biting the spoon- only to get a mouthful of tasty goodness- still complaining all the while. XD) I was slightly concerned that he may not be able to be reintroduced back to his parents because he's been close to another male, but I wanted to see if it were a possibility. I'll let them play together (supervised) and continue the process of pouch swapping/ bonding, but will make sure to keep them apart until I'm sure that the joey is getting enough food. //Does anyone have a suggestion about his pellets? Should I add a bit of water/honey/juice/or applesauce to soften them up or make them more appealing to him?
Last edited by Michelle_D; 12/31/16 10:56 PM.
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 10:37 AM
01/01/17 10:37 AM
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He needs protein too. Until you get your Critterlove Plus, scramble up an egg or give him some unseasoned chicken or turkey.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 11:44 AM
01/01/17 11:44 AM
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I would feed him separately (possibly outside the cage for now) until you receive your Critterlove and everyone is eating the same thing. Gliders will only eat until they are full. You could even put the leftovers in the cage when you return him. They do like to snack off and on during the night.
Just make sure there is plenty for everyone of the same thing.
You know he isn't going to eat the pellets, and from his behavior he is hungry. Feather has given you great advice about the scrambled egg and chicken. Make sure the chicken is tender and cut into very small manageable pieces for him.
Fruit is good and mine applesauce which is also a good source for water. Just don't overdo on the applesauce Mine really loved Motts Peach Mango
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 12:01 PM
01/01/17 12:01 PM
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I just checked up on him - (he's crying for mum again on and off, but is currently playing in his wheel) and looked to see what he'd eaten during the night. The bit of avocado is completely gone, but it doesn't look like he even touched the melon balls I'd given him. I'll give him more of the avocado tonight, and make up some scrambled eggs and applesauce. We also bought some baby food- banana/strawberry, and I was going to try feeding him some of that to see if he'll take it. Right now he and Mochi are still in separate cages placed side-by-side, so there won't be any worry of the older boy getting more/too much of the food. As for mealworms- He -really- likes those, and eats them with gusto, but I know they can be fattening and not the greatest thing to be feeding, so how many is too many? He was getting them with his parents as part of their basic diet, but I usually only feed insects as an occasional treat (Mochi gets one or two maybe once a week.) Since he's able to/willing to eat them, should I be giving the baby more?
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 12:27 PM
01/01/17 12:27 PM
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I'd feed the mealworms in the morning/daytime, that way there's a lot better chances of him eating his proper food at night. Their stomach ares tiny and he may be getting filled up if you feed treats at night. A 6 week old joey is going to eat far less than your adult. Personally, if they are already getting along I would keep them together so the poor little guy isnt alone. Your other glider will groom him and keep him warm and help teach him glider behavior Just my two cents.
Mama to The Trio: Riddick, Rafiki and Baby The Family Colony: Khaleesi, Drogo, Toby and Jamie The Boys: Joby, Tyrion and Momo
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 02:58 PM
01/01/17 02:58 PM
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I have both my boys in bonding pouches, with the littlest one tucked inside my shirt, while Mochi is riding around outside (I don't want him getting lonely because I'm paying so much attention to the new baby- but he seems to be quite content to have his morning yogie & a mealworm.) My husband suggested I mix in some honey with the scrambled egg- Since part of the CritterLove mix -is- honey, I'm guessing this will be okay to do? I also have some bee pollen on hand, since I use it in smoothies; should I offer it mixed in with anything?
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 03:24 PM
01/01/17 03:24 PM
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You can add the honey but it isn't necessary. Don't worry about the bee pollen until you get the Critterlove.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/01/17 03:35 PM
01/01/17 03:35 PM
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Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/02/17 12:36 PM
01/02/17 12:36 PM
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So lastnight he only ate a little bit of avocado, he didn't touch his eggs at all. This morning he wouldn't take egg, or even a mealworm, but I did get a tiny bit of applesauce in him. I've left a dried cherry and blueberry for him in his bonding pouch, but today is an extremely grumpy day apparently, full of crabbing and lunging. (Although now I can hear the little troublemaker chirping, so I think he may have found one of his pouch treats.) I do have some strawberry-banana baby food that I can give him also- (He seems to like softer foods more than anything else.) but I'm worried about him not getting enough to eat. He's stopped crying for mum, and was extremely active this morning, running around in the wheel like it was the best thing ever, but I'm at a bit of a loss if he's not eating anything I give to him.
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/02/17 11:34 PM
01/02/17 11:34 PM
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What kind of yogurt should I get? I know that there are a TON of types out there, and I never get anything with fake/sugar substitutes because I'm allergic, but I don't know what flavors/types are safe for him. Can he have vanilla - or should I go with a fruit flavor? Greek yogurt? Regular yogurt? This afternoon he -scarfed- some mealworms- I think he was having difficulty chewing them, but he got some down and declined to eat more babyfood. Tonight he's getting a blackberry, some collard greens plenty of baby food and some more avocado. I've also decided to name the little guy 'Chance' - and hopefully his chances turn out to be good! He's VERY pouch protective- crabbing and lunging at anything that he sees while in the pouch, but when out of the pouch he isn't hand-shy at all (he does occasionally crab when you go to pick him up, but just a short 'don't wanna!!' type sound) and if he can't -see- you, he pops and clicks if you rub him through the pouch. I've been able to stick my hand in and pet him also- when he's asleep, but once he wakes up he starts to yell again. I know he's just frightened, so I'm going to keep working with him and be as patient as I can. We did have a bit of trouble in the introduction-phase so to speak, I was wearing both of the boys in separate bonding pouches this morning, but Chance decided to try 'attacking' Mochi through the mesh. (Mochi is still just curious about the joey, and remains calm as can be.) I swapped cages lastnight, and swapped back again tonight- I'm not going to bring them both out together again until tomorrow when I'll try some more supervised playtime. Thanks so much to everyone for all your advice- I'll admit I'm a little bit frazzled- I think I check GliderCentral more than a dozen times a day so I don't miss anything! XD I don't know where I'd be without all the level headed suggestions from the community. I guess this is good practice for the future, should I ever have a pair that has joeys. (But that at least I'd have prepared for before it happened!)
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/03/17 07:18 AM
01/03/17 07:18 AM
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Sugar-free, no additive yogurt is best. As far as flavor, it's whatever he'll be willing to eat. Mine seem to like vanilla the most. Greek is okay, but I've heard it is stickier than other types. Try to start having Chance associate seeing you with the good feelings when he doesn't through th pouch. Talk to him before you start petting him & continue chatting as you work your way around & in. It may take a little bit to assocait the two together. Also check out the bonding section, I believe there is a lot of info on pouch protectiveness.
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/03/17 09:17 AM
01/03/17 09:17 AM
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BeckiT - Sugar free will kill me just as quickly as it would kill him, so there's not a chance it would ever find its way into my shopping cart. ;P
I'm doing some research on the pouch protectiveness, and thinking of getting him a little stuffed animal until he and Mochi are getting along.
Speaking of Mochi- He's being a little BRAT today. This morning I took the t-shirts off of their cages. Now, their cages have been side-by-side since I got Chance, with no issues. They've 'met' in person, again, no issues. Mochi was curious about him, and tried to be dominant once, but then mostly ignored that the little guy existed. This morning, he keeps crabbing- not full on crab, but just a short 'Bidibidibi!' at Chance every time the little guy is out of his wheel and on the bars of the cage. (I should have the cages far enough away from one another so no-one can grab anyone else).
I'm guessing this is him trying to tell Chance he's the boss- (All Chance does is hop back into his wheel to run.) or to stay away from his side of things. u_u
Chance ate very little again lastnight- He seems to have literally just taken out the avocado and eaten that, leaving the rest of the fruit, veggies and even the baby food. After he's done running around and playing, I'll take him out and spoon-feed him some babyfood again. (He doesn't like it as much as the applesauce unfortunately.)
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/05/17 07:40 PM
01/05/17 07:40 PM
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HUGE PROGRESS with Chance- I currently have he and Mochi in the SAME bonding pouch. They are curled up together quite happily. We were having our daily interaction time in the bathroom, and things were going 'okay-ish' - Mochi tried to establish that he was the 'big boy' again, which ended in a scuffle- lots of noise, but no Glider ball. Then Chance seemed to decide that things were going to go the way HE wanted them to go, and without any prompting he went seeking out Mochi. There was a lot of circling and sniffing, and Chance climbing on Mochi, before Mochi ducked into the leg of a pair of jeans I'd neglected to pick up. Chance followed, and there was a bit of arguing, and then...they curled up together and started to click and pop. We got them out of the jeans, and one after the other they crawled into the bonding pouch. Chance has started trying new foods- He ate some dried cherry today, and has eaten more of his avocado and baby food mixture. So far we're happy in the bonding pouch- just a brief moment with the usual 'get your foot out of my face!' I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll continue to do well, and if I'm lucky, they'll get to stay in the same cage tonight.
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/05/17 11:59 PM
01/05/17 11:59 PM
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Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/06/17 03:28 PM
01/06/17 03:28 PM
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Both boys stayed in the same cage lastnight and other than the occasionally 'tss!' there were no arguments. They shared the same pouch to sleep in, and when I got them up to give Chance some mealworms we didn't even have an argument over who was getting them while they were in the same pouch.
He's not interested in yogies at all, but apparently decided that Mochi needed quite a bit of grooming while he was eating his. ;P
Funny enough, I'm almost sure that -Chance-, little bitty guy with no bald spot and the tinest pom, is the Glider-in-Charge here. XD Mochi seems to duck out of his way when Chance wants to get at something, and lets the joey do pretty much whatever he wants to do.
I'm so happy the two of them are together and getting along, it makes me feel much more confident about Chance's social development, and hopefully Mochi can teach him what foods are good to eat.
My Critterlove came in today, so if I can get my husband to brave the snow and cold, we'll be going out and getting a container for me to make it in.
Re: Six Weeks OOP- What to do?
[Re: Michelle_D]
01/06/17 09:45 PM
01/06/17 09:45 PM
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That could change once that joey is older. Sometimes, to me anyway, it seems that joeys get away with everything.
Kimberley Feathers-Sweetie, Mister Peanut & Big Mack Fur-Guinan, Mr. Spock, T'Mir, Cho, Toothless, Maverick & Maharet T'Pol, Elizabeth & Curzon TY, TJ, Light Fury, Madison & T'Pring Forever in my heart, Gizmo, Tucker, Khayman and the rest of my babies over the
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