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I think she's a he!
02/03/16 01:41 AM
02/03/16 01:41 AM
Joined: Jul 2015
Posts: 240 Montana
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Glider Explorer
Joined: Jul 2015
Posts: 240
Um so... I've had Miko for six years, and she has always hated the light so I never really got a close look at her except I could tell she didn't have a pom. She's been braver in the light since I got Pi, I think because she wants to meet him already. And tonight I noticed something... it looks like there's a little remnant of her... erm, his? pom like he was neutered pom-on before I got him. She came very un-tame, and even though I've had her this long, I've never really fully been able to tame her, though she's gotten better. I tried to flip her over and try to find a pouch, but with the second she gave me before she drew blood, I found nothing except that thing I think might be a pom! Now what. I neutered Pi (and Luca! My goodness!) and went through his SM for nothing, and now I might have two guys. Two males can get along, right? Should I go to the vet and have them check if she's a he? I'm not sure they'd have any better luck with her, the amount she wiggles... I suppose it doesn't really matter, does it? If I look closer tomorrow when she's more sleepy, is the pouch at all obvious? Like, would I know there was a pouch just by looking? I don't see one.
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